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Data protection and cookie management

Personal date protection charter

In order to respect the privacy of users of this website www.godart-distribution.com (hereinafter: the Site), the company Godart, undertakes to process the personal data of users (hereinafter the “User(s)”) in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 : general data protection regulations, which came into force on May 25, 2018 (known as the “GDPR”) and the amended Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 (known as the “Data Protection Act”).

This Personal Data Protection Charter (hereinafter “the Charter”) aims to inform Users in particular of the methods of processing personal data collected on the Site, the security procedures put in place and the rights available to Users.

This Charter is valid for all pages of the Site published by Godart.


The Godart Company is responsible for the processing implemented following the collection of personal data on the Site.
The contact details are as follows:
Godart Company whose head office is located in CARVIN (662220) 1702 rue Francis de Pressensé, registered in the Arras Trade and Companies Register under number 314 398 264 00049.
The Company makes available to Users the outline of their agreement concerning their respective responsibility in the processing of data.


The Godart company has a Data Protection Officer (DPO) whose contact details are as follows:
Gauthier Deprez – 170 rue Francis de Pressensé - 62220 Carvin
E-mail:contact@godart -distribution.com


3.1 Mandatory collection of personal data

The personal data of Users is collected and processed by the Company for the following purposes:

  • execution of a request from the User, following for example a contact request made through the Site contact form;
  • execution of contracts signed by the User;
  • customer account management;

In the aforementioned cases, the collection of data is obligatory and the User is informed that a failure to respond may result in a delay or refusal of the processing of their request. The User cannot object to the processing of his personal data for the aforementioned purposes.

3.2. Collection of personal data based on legitimate interest

Godart is entitled to process the User’s data for the following purposes:

  • Support the User in navigating their site;
  • Recordings by telephone or chat of exchanges between customer service and the User for after-sales service and for the purposes of improving customer service, and the constitution of evidence in court;
  • Ensure monitoring of User satisfaction.

The legal basis is the legitimate interest pursued by the Companies. The User has the right to object at any time to the processing of his personal data for the aforementioned purposes.

3.3. Collection of data based on User consent

Personal data may also be collected and processed for the following treatments:

  • Marketing and advertising operations implemented by the Godart Company for prospects, and in particular the sending of newsletters, all targeted promotional or commercial offers by email, telephone, on social networks;
  • For purposes of sharing proposals on social networks.

As part of the implementation of the processing mentioned in this paragraph, the collection of data can only be done after obtaining the consent of the User for each purpose as specified at the time of the collection of personal data . The User may object at any time to receiving commercial prospecting by clicking on the link available for this purpose, in the prospecting email or by writing to Godart at the aforementioned contact details.

3.4. Collection based on legal obligation

The Godart company implements data processing to ensure the management of requests concerning the exercise of rights over personal data in accordance with the GDPR and the LIL.


The following personal data may be collected by the Godart company:

  • identification data (surname, first name, email address, date of birth, postal address, message to the Companies);
  • identification data on the Site: username, password (encrypted);
  • IP address;
  • data relating to visits to the Site.


The collection of the User's personal data is subject to the following processing:

5.1. Contact management – request for information

The User can contact the Godart company through the contact form available on the “CONTACT US” page of this website, by post, by telephone or by email using the contact details on the “LEGAL NOTICES” page. .

The purpose of data processing is to enable the Company to respond to the User's request. If all of the requested data is not provided or is not provided correctly, the Company will not be able to respond to the request.

The legal basis for the processing is the management of a pre-contractual request by the User and, where applicable, the execution of a contract.

5.2. Management of tracers (cookies) – data generated by browsing the site

Tracers or cookies are small files that are placed on the User's terminal when the latter visits a Website or a mobile application.

They can be of different types:

  • a proprietary cookie is a tracker placed at the request of the website that the User is visiting. This type of cookies may be necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the site and allow optimal navigation;
  • a third-party cookie is a tracker placed by a third-party company, that is to say other than the company which publishes the website. These are often cookies placed by social networks when a plug-in such as a “like” button appears on the Site. These cookies will then be used to analyze your activity on the Internet and allow us to display personalized advertisements to you.

The User is informed through the display of a banner on the home page of the Site which allows him to accept, refuse, or manage his preferences by type of cookies through the dedicated web page .

When viewing the site, the following cookies may be placed:

i. Technical cookies for navigation and audience measurement purposes

These are cookies essential for browsing the Site and allowing use of the services offered on the Site for the purposes of optimizing the ergonomics of the Site and the browsing experience on the Site.

These are the following types of cookies:

  • cookies retaining the choice expressed by the User concerning the deposit of cookies for marketing purposes (acceptance or refusal),
  • cookies intended to ensure the security of personal data during customer account authentication, and thus avoid identity theft,
  • cookies for purposes of combating fraud, such as the use of robots,
  • trackers of personalization of the User interface, such as the choice of language or the use of a service requested by the user,
  • audience measurement cookies which make it possible to measure the use and performance of the site and to establish anonymous statistics of attendance and performance, and use of the site's services (content visited, route of the site). 'User during session and anonymously recorded information, device screen size, device type (unique device identifier), browser information, geographic location (country only), and language preferably,
  • the following trackers used by our subcontractor Contentsquare:
    • Cookies allowing the conservation of the Contentsquare user identifier,
    • Cookies to exclude Users from the collection of their personal data in the event of refusal to deposit cookies,
    • Cookies used to retain the User's consent in the event of acceptance of the deposit of cookies.

Without these cookies, the Site cannot function properly, so they cannot be deactivated.

The User's consent is not required for this type of cookies, the data collected is anonymous. You can configure these cookies via your browser as indicated in paragraph iv. below, but this action will prevent you from accessing certain services or degrade your user experience.

ii. Cookies for marketing purposes

These are cookies that allow us to send you targeted advertisements corresponding to your interests and your location. They also allow you to personalize the content of the Site according to your browsing.

These cookies can be placed directly by the company or by their subcontractors who may also access information stored in the User's terminal only on behalf of the Company.

The data collected by our subcontractors through cookies is not reused for their own purposes. The User's rights on the data collected through the cookies of the subcontracting company are exercised directly with one of the DPOs of the Companies whose contact details appear in article 2 above.

The User must give consent to the use of their cookies before storing cookies on their terminal. He may withdraw his consent at any time through the Cookie Management page available on the Site or by writing to one of the DPOs whose contact details appear in article 2 above. If you refuse to deposit marketing cookies, we will not be able to track your browsing and therefore offer you products and services adapted to your profile.

iii. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool that allows you to consult and analyze the visitor statistics of a website or web application.

Google Analytics allows you to analyze visits to the Site in order to evaluate the performance of marketing actions, content, products, etc.

The data thus generated by cookies concerning the use of the site by the User (including the connection IP address) can be recovered by the Company Google Inc on servers located in the United States. This data will be used for the purpose of evaluating the use of the site, compiling reports on the activity of the Site and providing other services relating to the activity of the Site and the use of the Internet network.< /p>

The use of marketing cookies and Google Analytics is subject to the User's consent which can be withdrawn at any time through the Cookie Management page available on the Site or by writing to one of the DPOs including contact details appear in article 2 above.

You can also deactivate Google Analytics using the following module: https://tools.google.com/dlpage /gaoptout/?hl=fr

iv. Browser configuration

The User is informed that browsers are set by default to accept the installation of cookies. The User, however, has the option of deactivating the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings of his browser, and also of deleting cookies and browsing data, by going to the Options, Settings or Preferences menu depending on the browser. used, namely:


The User is informed that he has the following rights over his personal data:

  • i. Right of access, namely the right for the User to request to obtain the list of personal data concerning them processed by the Companies;
  • ii. Right of rectification, namely the right to request that inaccurate or incomplete information be corrected;
  • iii. Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”), namely, the right to request, for legitimate reasons, the deletion of personal data, except in cases where it is necessary for the Companies to retain the data for legal reasons or for the establishment, exercise or defense of their rights in court;
  • iv. Right to withdraw consent, namely the right for the User to withdraw their consent to the processing of their personal data for legitimate reasons;
  • v. Right of opposition, namely, the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the use of personal data;
  • vi. Right to data portability, namely, the possibility to obtain and reuse personal data for personal purposes and to request their transfer to another company, when technically possible;
  • vii. Right to limitation, namely: (i) the right for the User to contest the accuracy of personal data and ask the Companies to no longer process the data during the verification period; (ii) limitation of the use of data in the event of unlawful processing; (iii) the conservation of personal data in order to allow the User to establish, exercise or defend their rights in court.
  • viii. Right to lodge a complaint: the right to lodge a complaint with the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL) or any competent supervisory authority.

The exercise of all the aforementioned rights is carried out directly with the Godart DPO whose contact details are mentioned in article 2 above.

If the User makes their request electronically, the information will be transmitted to them by the same means, unless the User requests to receive the information by another means of their choice.

In order to provide the requested information, the Godart DPO will be required to verify the identity of the User, and if necessary ask for an identity document. If the User's identity cannot be verified, the User is informed that their request may be refused.


The Company undertakes to ensure that the Data is not kept for longer than necessary for the purpose of the processing.

The data is retained for the periods indicated in the table below:

Contact – request for information – exercise of rights 3 years from the last contact from the User
Management of the newsletter and sending of requests (emails, SMS, management satisfaction surveys, etc.) 3 years from the last contact from the User
Data collected by cookies
  • • 25 months for cookies that do not require consent,
  • • 6 months for cookies that require consent – data related to refusal is also kept for 6 months.


The personal data collected is intended for:

  • Godart

Godart employees, as well as their subcontractors, have access to personal data only if it is necessary to fulfill their mission. Each of them is subject to an obligation of confidentiality and security.


The personal data collected through the Website are processed and hosted on the computer server of the Godart company which is located in France.

The data processed by subcontractors is hosted on computer servers located within the European Union.

Data collected through cookies by third-party companies, such as Google Inc, may be hosted on servers located in the United States. The User is informed that the United States does not have legislation equivalent to that of the GDPR or the Data Protection Act with regard to the protection of personal data. To this end, the User's prior consent is required before authorizing these third-party companies to access the User's personal data via the deposit of cookies.


The Company undertakes to make every effort to ensure the confidentiality and security of the User's data and to ensure these obligations are ensured by their staff and their subcontractors.

The Company ensures optimal security measures against loss, fraudulent intrusion, misuse and alteration of the personal data entrusted to it. All data collected is saved and kept on a backup medium for the legal retention period as specified in article 7 above.

The Site is full HTTPS, SFTP for transfers with access only via certified IPs.

Godart employees, as well as their subcontractors, have access to personal data only if it is necessary to fulfill their mission. Each of them is subject to an obligation of confidentiality and security.


The Charter may evolve. These modifications may concern the processing of new User data, who will be informed prior to collection, or may be due to updates following legislative developments such as: CNIL recommendations, guidelines, recommendations and good practices of the European Data Protection Board (EDPR) and the decisions of the courts and tribunals in this matter.


This Charter is drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and the Data Protection Act. Any dispute relating to the interpretation and execution of this policy will be subject to the provisions of these texts.

In the event of a dispute which arises as a result of the execution of these terms, the Parties will make their best efforts to resolve the dispute amicably. In the event of a complaint, the User may send their request to the Godart DPO.

The User can also submit a complaint to the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CNIL) or contact their local personal data protection authority if they do not reside on French territory.