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Terms of use


The https://www.godart-distribution.com/ (hereinafter the "Site") is operated by GODART SAS, headquartered at 170 rue Francis de Pressencé 62220 Carvin (France) and registered with the Registre du commerce et des sociétés de Arras under number 314 398 264.

Intra-Community VAT number: FR75314398264
Publication manager : M. GAUTHIER DEPREZ
To contact us: contact@godart-distribution.com

The Site is hosted by the company EFIPEEK -18 Résidence flandre- 59170 Croix. EFIPEEK is also designer and developer of the Site.


Access to the Site and the use of its content, including photographs, are subject to the conditions of use described below.

The fact of accessing and browsing the Site constitutes, on the part of the visitor, unreserved acceptance of the the following provisions.


The Site is a showcase site accessible via the Internet. It is used to present the catalog of products marketed under the Godart brand to Internet users browsing the Site.

The descriptive elements of the products such as dimensions, weight or color are presented for information only. indicative. Any discrepancy between these descriptive details and the product purchased shall not give rise to any claim on this basis alone. on this sole and exclusive basis.


a) Trademarks owned by Godart

Godart owns the French and Community trademarks "Godart" as well as the domain name " godart-distribution.com".
Any use of the name "GODART" or its logos to designate identical or similar products in any medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited. on any medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited and would constitute an infringement of the trademarks of the as provided for and sanctioned by articles L 713-2 et seq., L 716-1 et seq. and L 717-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Article L 716-9 of the French Intellectual Property Code stipulates that "any person who, with a view to selling, supplying or offering for sale, in any form whatsoever, any of the following acts or omissions, shall be punished by four years' imprisonment and a fine is punishable by four years' imprisonment and a fine of 400,000 euros for any person who, with a view to selling, supplying, offering for sale or sale or hire out goods presented under a counterfeit trademark :
a) Import, distribute, sell or hire out goods presented under a counterfeit trademark.
a) Importing, exporting, re-exporting or transhipping goods presented under an infringing trade mark;
b) industrially producing goods presented under an infringing trademark (...) ;
Article L 716-10 of the same Code stipulates that "is punishable by three years' imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 euros is punishable by three years' imprisonment and a fine.
a) Unlawfully holding, importing or exporting goods presented under an infringing trademark counterfeit trademark;
b) Offering for sale or selling goods presented under an infringing trademark; (...)"

b) Intellectual property rights attached to the Site's presentation, content and images images
The Site, its presentation and content, both the texts and all photographs, are protected by the provisions of the French by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, and in particular by articles L 122-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
The Site, its presentation, its content and all of its photos and images are and will remain the exclusive property of Société Godart. exclusive property of Société Godart, which alone is entitled to use and exploit the intellectual property rights rights attached to the Site, in particular designs and models, copyright and image rights and image rights, either originally or by way of assignment or license
In application of the French Intellectual Property Code and, more generally, of international treaties and agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright, the visitor is prohibited, in whole or in part to reproduce, download, sell, distribute, issue, broadcast, adapt, modify, publish, communicate, in any form whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, the presentation, organization or content of the Site, including all photographs.



Any violation of the rights and obligations listed above shall constitute an infringement of the intellectual property rights of intellectual property rights as provided for and sanctioned by articles L 331-1 et seq. and articles L 335-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.






Access to all or part of the Website may be suspended or withdrawn at the sole discretion of Société GODART in the event of technical difficulties, difficulties related to the structure of telecommunications networks, blockage of telecommunications telecommunications networks, strikes, national or local states of emergency, inclement weather



Similarly, access to the Site may be interrupted, at any time and without notice, for maintenance reasons.

The Site may be modified or upgraded at any time, including with regard to its functionalities without prior notice of any kind and without the visitor being able to invoke any prejudice whatsoever.





a) unauthorized access by a third party



To the extent permitted by law, GODART shall not be liable for any inaccuracies, omissions or inaccuracy, omission or any damage resulting from intrusion by a third party leading to a modification of the information information made available on the Site, in the event of damage caused as a result of unauthorized third-party access to the Site or rendering its use impossible. access to the Site or rendering access impossible.

b) hypertext links to other sites


b) hypertext links to other sites


The Site may include links to other websites or other Internet sources. Insofar as GODART cannot control these external sites and sources, it cannot be held responsible for the availability of these external for the availability of these external sites and sources, and cannot accept any responsibility for their content, products, services or any other material available on or from these external sites or sources. Furthermore, it shall not be held liable for any damage or loss, whether actual or alleged, arising out of or in connection with the use of or reliance on such sites or sources. or in connection with the use of, or reliance on, the content, goods or services available on on these external sites or sources.